Skylanders Eye Brawl Pinata

I have one of those kids who always picks a birthday party theme that doesn't have pre-made decor.  Last year is was Ninjago, this year it's Skylanders.  So once again I can't just go out to any party store and pick up little plates and cups stamped with little Skylander faces.  So I am forced to get creative.

First up on my ever growing list was a pinata.  After looking through all of my son's Skylanders, I decided Eye Brawl would be the easiest pinata for a beginner to make.  His eye comes off of his body, flies around, and shoots laser beams.  How neat for me because I could just make a could pinata and attach wings!  Bonus that Eye Brawl happens to be in his top Skylanders list.
Balloon (I used a punch balloon for a LARGE pinata)
School Glue
Tissue Paper and/or Steamers
(White, Black, and Blue)
Paper Towel Rolls
Wire or Rope
Hot Glue Gun

Getting Started:
Tear up your newspaper into long strips.  Roughly about 2 in thick.  These do not have to be perfect.  Set aside.

Blow up your balloon to the desired size of your pinata. Set aside. 

Make a loop with your wire or rope.  Tape this to your balloon at the top.

Make your pinata paste mixture.  There are several ways you can do this. I used a 2 parts water to 1 part flour mixture for my pinata paste.  Pour 2 cups of water into a bowl with 1 cup of flour.  Stir until there are no longer any lumps in your mixture, or at least very few.

Once there are no more lumps in your pinata paste you can now dip the ripped up news paper into the mixture.  

Sitting your balloon on a washable surface (I made mine outside because it's so messy) begin to dip a strip of newspaper into the pinata paste.  Use your index and middle finger to 'squeegee off' the access paste.  One swipe should be enough.

Lay  the dipped newspaper onto your pinata and smooth it out.  It does not have to be perfectly smooth.  You will not be able to tell after decorating.  Make sure NOT to cover your wire or rope at the top. Continue until you have a MAX of 3-4 layers on your pinata.  Anymore and it could possibly mold from taking too long to dry.

Lay your pinata on a plastic bag.  Do not forget to rotate it daily to make sure it all dries.  Let dry for 3-4 days before decorating.

After drying the Eye Brawl pinata is ready for decorating!  
Take your black paper (I used streamers) and tear or cut into small sections.  Example above.  Then roll into small balls.  It will actually go more quickly if you pre-make  several of these and put them in a large bowl.

Draw two circles on your pinata.  One will be the pupil and the other the iris of the eye.  Dip the balls of  black paper into the glue and begin to stick them onto the pinata.

After filling in the designated area of the black paper, start filling in the blue paper.  Using the same steps as you did for the black paper.  I added a single layer of black around my blue to give the eye more definition.

Finish most of the pinata by filling in the rest with white tissue paper or streamers.   Leave a small section in the back to cut open to add the candy  and the wings.

Cut open your pinata.  I made a downward opening section.  Pop your balloon if it has not already been done.  Remove all of the popped balloon pieces.

You may need to reinforce your pinata wire depending on hoe much candy you are adding.  I just took two sharpie markers.  Made an X with them, put them inside the wire on the INSIDE of the pinata and taped them VERY well with box tape.

Add Candy.  Tape or Hot Glue seam shut on the back of the pinata.

For the wings I just took paper towel rolls and taped them together into the shape I wanted.  Then wrapped them in streamer paper.

Hot Glue the wings on.  I found this works the best.

Finish filling in the rest of the Eye Brawl Pinata.



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