Skylanders Chompy Lanterns

-Paper Lantern
-Red Felt
-White Foam or White Felt
-Green Pipe Cleaners
-Plastic Eyes
-Hot Glue Gun

1. Plug in your hot glue gun.

2. Open up your paper lantern, insert the plastic piece that keeps it open.   I bought mine for $1 at the dollar tree, but I believe they are a seasonal item.

2.  Take a piece of red felt and cut out a mouth.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  Hot glue the mouth on to the paper lantern.  Careful not to get burnt.  I did a few times.

3. Take two green pipe cleaners and cut them about 3/4 of the way down.  Use the longer pieces to bend in half, twisting them together.

4. Glue your plastic eyes to one end of the pipe cleaners.  Let cool.

5. Put a dab of hot glue in the center of the lantern above the mouth where you want the eyes to go.  Add the pipe cleaners with the eyes.  Hold in place until set.

6,  Cut out triangle of various sizes using the white foam or felt.  Chompies have LOTS of sharp teeth!  Hot glue them onto the mouth.

7.  Let everything cool and it's safe to hang!  You can add batteries to your paper lantern if you like, but I don't think it makes it look any better lit.


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