Melted Crayon Flower Art

My 1st Creation WHAT YOU WILL NEED: -CANVAS (I USED 8X10) -CRAYONS -RIBBON (OPTIONAL) -HOT GLUE GUN & STICKS -HEAT GUN OR HAIR DRYER -ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Select 6 Crayons to use in your project. You can make them match your flowers, like I did. Or you can choose whatever your heart desires. Find you need to find the center of your canvas. Put a small mark with one of the crayons in the middle of the canvas. This will help you keep the crayon flower pot centered on the canvas. Use the hot glue gun to glue the flowers to the canvas, name brand side up. Start with the middle two crayons and work your way out on both sides. Let the hot glue cool down for a few minutes. Next turn on your heat gun or hair dryer and begin to melt the crayons. From personal experience using Crayola crayons you should aim the gun/dryer at a downward angle after the 'C' in Crayola. Any higher will caus...