
Showing posts from February, 2013

Moldy Bulb Syringe.

  (Photo Circulating the Internet) In High School I babysat twins who often had colds. One day I picked up one of these bulb syringes and black goo poured out all over the little baby's face.  I am so glad I hadn't already stuck it in his nose.  It's a memory that I can still vividly recall, complete with the wave of nausea I felt. I definitely never used that one again, chalking it up to improper cleaning. A few months ago I had seen photos of moldy bulb syringes floating around on Pinterest and Facebook.   I cringed at the thought of someone using the moldy bulb unknowingly on their babies little noses.  I will admit I rolled my eyes a bit and thought, "Well maybe if you cleaned the thing out this wouldn't have happened."   I ALWAYS clean mine out with antibacterial soap, HOT water, and sometimes even alcohol.  Always.  So I NEVER thought in a million years that MY bulb syringe would be nasty and moldy. Today I dec...

I Love YOU because... (craft)

Today in MOPs we made I Love YOU because... frames for our loves :) (Thi s is mine )  WHAT YOU WILL NEED: 1 PICTURE FRAME MARKER S OF YOUR COLOR CHOICES COLORED PAPER OR CAR D STOCK SCISSORS STICKER S OR OTHER EMBELLISHMENTS ( OPTIONAL) DRY ERASE MARKER       We just took a frame from the dollar tree (I chose silver) and took out the card stock border.  Though you could choose to leave it in if you wanted.  Just be prepared to write the Phrase "I love you because..." in the middle of the new colored card stock you are writing on. Cut a new piece of colored card stock or paper of your choice to make it fit in the frame. Then write "I Love You because..." on a new piece of colored card stock.   Make sure you leave enough space so that you can write the rest of the sentence on later. Stick that piece back into the frame, close it up, and turn it over. Now you can decorate the frame with stickers if you want or you...