Moldy Bulb Syringe.

(Photo Circulating the Internet) In High School I babysat twins who often had colds. One day I picked up one of these bulb syringes and black goo poured out all over the little baby's face. I am so glad I hadn't already stuck it in his nose. It's a memory that I can still vividly recall, complete with the wave of nausea I felt. I definitely never used that one again, chalking it up to improper cleaning. A few months ago I had seen photos of moldy bulb syringes floating around on Pinterest and Facebook. I cringed at the thought of someone using the moldy bulb unknowingly on their babies little noses. I will admit I rolled my eyes a bit and thought, "Well maybe if you cleaned the thing out this wouldn't have happened." I ALWAYS clean mine out with antibacterial soap, HOT water, and sometimes even alcohol. Always. So I NEVER thought in a million years that MY bulb syringe would be nasty and moldy. Today I dec...